July 24, 2018

Do Employees in Your Workplace Have Security Fatigue? Here’s What to Do

If you’re tired of keeping up with all the computer security requirements that are necessary today, you’re not alone.

In a recent study by the National Institute of Standards in Technology (NIST), 63% of participants, who were all typical computer users, said they were experiencing security fatigue.

What is Security Fatigue?

Security fatigue is defined in the study as a weariness or reluctance to deal with computer security. As researchers explained, it usually begins when it becomes too hard or burdensome for users to maintain security and as such, computer users at home and in the workplace simply stop following basic security guidelines.

The biggest problem is that risky computing behaviors increase the possibility of mistakes and data breaches. This can all be prevented, however, with these security tips for your employees to follow whenever they're working online.

What are signs and symptoms of security fatigue – and what can help?

Falling for phishing:

Reusing passwords:

Not updating systems:

Turning a blind eye to suspicious traffic:

Cutting corners:

Start Protecting Your Business

Follow these cyber security tips whenever possible, but to learn even more about how Shred-it can protect your documents and hard drives, please contact us to get a free quote and information security risk assessment.