Home Business

January 15, 2024

Home Business? Here’s How to Help Improve Data Security

Don’t assume a home business doesn’t have to worry about data security. Self-employed entrepreneurs that run businesses as sole proprietors or independent contractors in their homes have the same data security responsibilities and challenges as any small business.

Home businesses, like all other small businesses, are susceptible to data breaches and have fewer resources and budget compared to larger organizations to invest in data security. If a breach does happen, it can be crippling due to potential regulatory actions, fines, legal expenses, and customer loss.

The 2023 Shred-it® Data Protection Report (DPR) found that despite the vast majority of small business leaders (SBLs) surveyed believing in the importance of data and information protection, most (78%) SBLs admit they are not taking an extremely proactive approach to data security.

According to the DPR, many SBLs are prioritizing protection against digital security risks, and, as such, their organizations are left exposed and more vulnerable to physical security risks. Only 25% of SBLs surveyed indicated that they collect and destroy sensitive materials when no longer needed (e.g., printed materials, hard drives). SBLs should also implement processes to protect their company’s sensitive physical materials, in addition to putting more stringent digital safeguards in place.

Below are several tips on how to help improve data security in your home business.

Assess Risks

Improve Physical and Digital Data Storage

Purge Data

Secure Document and Hard Drive Destruction

Use a Professional Shredding Service

For home businesses, there are several convenient options to securely dispose of documents, including professional document destruction services, such as Shred-it®, which offers residential shredding, drop-off shredding at a local facility, or community shredding events.

Start Protecting Your Business

Learn more about how Shred-it® can protect your small business with our secure document and hard drive destruction services.