
January 10, 2025

A Proactive Approach to Data Protection

Consumers are more demanding than ever – and they want more from the businesses they interact with. In today’s data-driven environment, they’re increasingly concerned about privacy, with many reluctant to share personal information due to security risks.

According to a recent Shred-it® survey, consumer tolerance for data breaches is low, and companies that don’t prioritize data protection may lose customer trust. Potential customers expect the necessary steps will be taken to keep their sensitive information safe. This represents a significant opportunity for businesses of all sizes. While smaller businesses often lack the resources of larger organizations and are disproportionately affected by data breaches, investing in proactive data protection measures can help reduce costs over time.

According to the Shred-it® survey,

Businesses can do more to alleviate consumers’ fears and demonstrate that their data will be safe.

What are Some Proactive Actions to Help Protect Consumer Data?

Small businesses can take specific steps to help protect consumers’ information and address their concerns. A proactive approach to data security is essential, and visibly demonstrating these efforts can reassure consumers. Some effective strategies include:

What Is The Role Of Training In Data Protection?

In 2024, 68% of data breaches involved a human element, according to Verizon, highlighting the need for robust training programs. Unfortunately, current training efforts are often not up to par and aren’t aligned with new technologies such as AI and with evolving regulations. Employers should consider providing regular, mandatory, and updated training for all employees and new hires to understand best practices for preventing data breaches and what to do if one occurs. Effective training programs help employees identify both physical and digital data security threats and risks.

How Can a Trusted Partner Bolster a Business’s Data Protection?

Business leaders juggle multiple responsibilities. A trusted data security partner can help businesses navigate complex and dynamic regulatory requirements for data and information protection. Partners, like Shred-it®, can provide businesses with data protection tools, services, policy templates, and employee training programs tailored to an organization’s needs.

Shred-it®’s policy templates and trainings are designed to help businesses of every size educate employees with resources and training that are:

Partnering with the right third-party vendor can help build confidence in a company’s ability to protect sensitive data and information. Learn how Shred-it® can help you take proactive steps to help protect your business from data breaches.