Credit Card Fraud

February 12, 2024

Guarding Your Finances: How to Help Prevent Credit Card Fraud and Identify Theft

During the first three quarters of 2023, a staggering 805,000 individuals fell victim to identity theft. However, this pervasive issue extends beyond just a small subset of the U.S. population, posing formidable challenges and risks for millions. Today, safeguarding your financial well-being and personal information is more critical than ever.

Credit Card Fraud vs. Identity Theft: What’s the Difference?

While closely connected, there are distinct differences between credit card fraud and identity theft:

How Prevalent are Credit Card Fraud and Identity Theft?

A recent report indicates that these crimes exceeded pre-pandemic levels in 2023:

What are the Different Types of Credit Card Fraud?

While various types exist, including application fraud, account takeover, or lost card fraud, all instances fall into one of two categories:

In all instances, the financial repercussions of credit card fraud can be devastating, even with fraud protection. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, 26% of those who experienced credit card fraud resorted to borrowing money, 22% had to take time off work, and 15.3% had to sell possessions to cover expenses.

How Does Credit Card Fraud Happen?

How to Help Protect Against Identity Theft and Credit Card Fraud?

Securely dispose of sensitive documents and old credit cards by using a professional shredding service. Tossing old credit cards, statements, documents, and junk mail directly into garbage or recycling bins might be the easiest thing to do, but the U.S. Department of Justice warns it is a high-risk way of getting your identity stolen. To help protect against credit card fraud and identity theft, you should shred all documents that contain personally identifiable information (PII), including:

How Do Shred-it® Services Contribute to Fraud Prevention?

To further reduce the risk of fraud, opt for professional shredding services. Shredding is one of the most secure ways to dispose of unneeded or unwanted documents and items containing personal information.

Secure document destruction services, like Shred-it®, offer fast and convenient options, including:

Learn more about how Shred-it® can help protect against credit card fraud and identity theft with professional document and specialty shredding services.